January 2024 Victoria Market Update

Hello Everyone and welcome to 2024.  Hopefully you all survived the cold snap and the XMAS bills!

December was a relatively low volume month, much the same as November. My phone has been ringing a bit more and the showing activity on my listings is picking up so hopefully that is a sign of things to come. I feel like there is a lot of pent up demand at the moment and sooner or later the damn will burst and buyers will flood back into the market. If you are JUST selling you may want to wait until the spring. If you are JUST buying now may be the time for you to act. But if you are buying AND selling then there really isn’t a bad time to do this as you are making a relative move within the market. Of course there may be exceptions to the latter but generally it stands to reason. Feel free to call and discuss your individual situation.

Please see the latest VREB release and the full stats package.
All the best and I look forward to helping you or your friends/family in the future.

Cheers, Bobby

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